
Awards & Certification

Awards History

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Dec. 2022 Ministry of Education (MOE) The Prime Minister’s Commendation for contribution to the development of national education in 2022
Dec. 2022 Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) 'The Minister of Oceans and Fisheries Prize' in the 2022 Port Management Innovation Contest
Dec. 2022 Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL) 'The Minister of Employment and Labor Prize' in the 2022 Fair Recruitment Best Practice Contest
Dec. 2022 Ministry of Personnel Management (MPM) Encouragement Prize in the 2022 Personnel Management Best Practice Contest
Oct. 2022 Korea Certified Public Labor Attorneys Association(KCPLAA) 'Excellence Prize for Employment and Labor-Management Culture' awarded from 'The Excellent Labor-Management Culture Institution of The Year' in 2022
Oct. 2022 Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) Commendation from the Minster of Minister of Health and Welfare on the 17th Pregnant Women’s Day in 2022
Dec. 2021 Ministry of health and Welfare 2021 Recognition Day of Local Community Contribution
Oct. 2021 Ulsan District Employment and Labor Office,
Ulsan Yangsan Enterprises Federation
2021 Grand prize for best practices in work-life balance in Ulsan
Jul. 2021 Ministry of Economy and Finance Prime Minister’s Award for Social Economy Revitalization
Dec. 2020 Regional Culture & Development Agency 2020 Leisure-friendly outstanding company award
Dec. 2020 Ministry of Science and ICT 2020 Ministerial award for ICT convergence
Dec. 2020 Ministry of Economy and Finance Award for fair employment practices
Jul. 2020 Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency Grand prize for outstanding practice in safety and health activities in services
Feb. 2020 Ministry of Personnel Management Ministerial commendation at the 4th Proactive Bet Practice Competition
Dec. 2019 Ministry of Interior and Safety 2019 ministerial commendation for emergency rescue training
Nov. 2019 ASOCIO ASOCIO ICT Award for smart port and logistics
Dec. 2019 Ministry of Interior and Safety Ministerial commendation for outstanding institution in disaster management in 2019
Dec. 2019 Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Award for merit from the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries for 2019 personal information protection
Dec. 2019 Ulsan Metropolitan City Award for merit from the Mayor of Ulsan Metropolitan City for 2019 National Safety Training for Disaster Response
Dec. 2019 Ministry of Personnel Management Participation prize (commendation from Minister of Personnel Management) at the 2019 Personnel Innovation Best Practice Conference
Oct. 2019 Community Chest of Korea /
Ulsan Community Chest of Korea
Award from the 2019 President of the Ulsan Community Chest of Korea
Dec. 2019 Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Commendation from the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries at the Government Innovation Best Practices Conference
Sep. 2019 DongA Ilbo Award for industrial specialization at 2019 Job Creation Exemplary Management Prize of Korea
Jun. 2019 Association of Korean Journalists Environment Minister’s Award at the 13th National Sustainable Management Conference
Jun. 2019 Ulsan Metropolitan City Commendation from the Mayor of Ulsan Metropolitan City in commemoration of the 24th Environment Day
Feb.2019 Korea Enterprises Federation, Association of Korean Journalists Award from the Minister of Employment and Labor for social contribution in creating jobs
Dec.2018 Ministry of Interior and Safety 2018 presidential commendation on safety training for disaster response
Nov.2018 Ministry of Interior and Safety Presidential commendation at the 44th National Quality Management Competition
Nov.2018 Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Participation award for best practices in government innovation
Nov.2018 Industrial Policy Studies 1st place for ethical management at 2018 Korea CEO Hall of Fame
Sep.2018 DongA Ilbo Award for localization at the 2018 Job Creation Exemplary Management Prize of Korea
Aug.2018 Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Award from the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries at 2018 4th Industrial Revolution Power Korea Daejeon
May.2018 Korea Logistics Society Grand prize for public organization at the 2018 21st Korea Logistics Award Ceremony
Dec.2017 Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Ministerial commendation for outstanding institutions on security (information security) in 2017
Dec.2017 Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Ministerial commendation for outstanding institutions on public service management in 2017
Dec.2017 Ministry of Interior and Safety Commendation from the Prime Minister at 2017 Safety Culture Award
Nov.2017 Korean Standards Association 1st place for port operation at 2017 Korea Good Company award
Nov.2017 Ulsan Metropolitan City Commendation from the Mayor of Ulsan Metropolitan City in commemoration of the 55th Firefighters' Day
May.2017 Korean Academic Society of Business Administration Grand prize in port and logistics at the 5th Grand Prize for Management in Korea selected by Business Scholars
Feb.2017 LACP (League of American Communications Professionals) Gold prize for sustainable business report at the 2015/16 Vision Awards
Dec.2016 Ministry of Public Safety and Security Commendation from the Minister of Public Safety and Security for public-private cooperation in preventing corruption
Dec.2016 Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Year-end commendation from the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries
Dec.2016 Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Participation award from 2016 port operation innovation competition
Dec.2016 National Network for Social Enterprises Contribution award from 2016 Social Enterprise Award
Jun.2016 Korea Meteorological Institute Gold prize at the 11th Korea Climate Industry Award
Dec.2015 Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Excellence award for port security in 2015
Dec.2015 Ministry of Education Grand prize for Shipping and Port Logistics at the 4th Donation for Education
Sep.2015 Korean Standards Association 2015 Korea Sustainability Convention - 1st place for ocean and fisheries KSI
Jun.2015 Korean Standards Association 2015 Korea Business Innovation Award ? Grand prize for business innovation
Feb.2015 LACP(League of American Communications Professionals) Gold prize for sustainable business report at 2013/14 Vision Awards
Jul.2013 DongA Ilbo Grand prize for sustainable management at the 2013 Korea Business Award
Nov.2012 Korean Agency for Technology and Standards of MOTIE National Quality Business Award ? presidential commendation for quality business

Certification History

※ 표를 좌우로 스크롤해주세요.

Dec. 2022 Korean Standards Association (KSA) Energy Management Systems (ISO 50001)
Nov. 2022 Korea Management Registrar (KMR) 2022 Excellent Institution for Fair Recruitment
Nov. 2022 Korea Management Registrar (KMR) 2022 Excellent Institution for Labor-Mangement Relations
Nov. 2022 Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) 2022 Korea Excellent Workplace for Reading Management
Oct. 2022 Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) OSH Management System (KOSHA-MS)
Sep. 2022 Ministry of Education (MOE), Ministry of Personnel Management (MPM) 2022 Excellent Institution for Human Resources Development (Best HRD) in The Public Sector
Jan. 2022 Ministry of Education Re-accreditation as 2021 outstanding institution
Nov. 2021 Korea Management Registrar 2021 Outstanding institution for fair employment
Nov. 2021 Korea Management Registrar 2021 Outstanding institution for labor relations
Oct. 2021 Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Re-accreditation as 2021 outstanding institution for reading management
Aug. 2021 Korea Management Registrar Certified corruption prevention management system
May 2021 Korea Management Registrar Certified law-compliant management system
Dec. 2020 Ministry of Interior and Safety Outstanding institution for disaster mitigation
Dec. 2020 Korea Management Registrar 2020 Outstanding institution for fair employment
Dec. 2020 Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism 2020 Leisure-friendly company
Dec. 2020 Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism 2020 Outstanding institution for reading management
Aug. 2020 Korea Industrial Technology Association Certified R&D specialized team
Nov. 2019 Korea Management Registrar 2019 Outstanding institution for fair employment
Oct. 2019 Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism 2019 Outstanding institution for reading management
Sep. 2019 Ministry of Education, Ministry of Personnel Management Best HRD institution in public sector
Apr.2019 Ministry of Education Outstanding organization in educational donation
Dec.2018 Ministry of Science and ICT Web access quality
Dec.2018 Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Family-friendly business
Aug.2018 Korea Productivity Center Quality Assurance Anti-corruption management system (ISO 37001)
Dec.2017 Ministry of Science and ICT Web access quality
Dec.2016 Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning Web access quality
Dec.2016 Web access quality Greenhouse gas inspection institute ISO 50001
Sep.2016 Ministry of Education, Ministry of Personnel Management Best public organization for HR development
Dec.2015 Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning Web access quality
Dec.2015 Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Family-friendly business
Sep.2015 Ministry of Education, Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity Outstanding organization in educational donation
Nov.2013 Ministry of Education, Ministry of the Interior and Safety Best public organization for HR development
Dec.2011 Lloyd’s Register ISO14001